

???? ????他曾经效力于谷歌,后来又拒绝了Facebook扎克伯格的工作邀请,最终决定自立门户。他认为,在学校最重要的是要学会自主思考。他还说,读商学院对创业不仅没帮助,反而还是个阻碍。 ????《财富》杂志举办的科技头脑风暴大会(7月22日至24日在美国科罗拉多州阿斯彭召开)定期召集科技创新领域最优秀和最聪明的思想家相聚一堂。每周,《财富》杂志都会重点推介一位大会嘉宾,分享他/她对于商业、科技和创业的真知灼见。本周,我们代表年轻企业家向Keas创始人兼首席技术官亚当?博斯沃思就工作之余的生活、最崇拜的公司以及行业建议提出了10个问题。他的回答如下。 你获得过的最好建议是什么? ????不明白就要问。我在微软(Microsoft)工作时,每次有什么搞不懂的,我就会说:“我就是个来自佛蒙特乡下的无知小子,我搞不懂这东西”,而经过异常多时间才搞清楚,有些东西本身就有问题。 ????我离开微软时,他们给我买了个域名“来自维蒙特农村的乡下小子”作为我离职的礼物。当我进入医疗领域(这促使我创立Keas),我一直在问有关美国医疗体系的傻问题。直到有一天,我意识到这些问题并不傻。这个体系完全没道理。它事实上在最大程度地鼓励每个人生病,然后病得越来越重,甚至差一点没命。这是个什么样的“医保体系”啊? 你最近看的一本书是什么? ????《盐、糖和脂肪》(Salt, Sugar, Fat)。它讲述了食品行业的内幕。一方面,他们让食品越来越诱人,越来越有害人体,但另一方,他们却掩盖了工业食品给人们健康带来的重大威胁,做法跟烟草行业过去的所作所为如出一辙,读来令人不寒而栗。 当前就业市场非常严峻,对于即将进入这个市场的年轻人,你想说些什么? ????学了什么并不重要。你是什么样的人很重要。归根结底,聪明的公司会雇佣、提拔和奖励拥有以下五种素质的员工: ????1.聪明才智 ????2.工作勤奋且精力充沛 ????3.讲究实效 ????4.出色的团队合作能力 ????5.持续不断学习和应用新技能的能力。 ????选一份你喜欢的工作,一份你认为具有挑战性、能让你与众不同的工作,别担心钱的问题(等到你35-40岁时还有很多的时间去赚钱),只需证明你拥有这5项素质。我招聘这样的人加入Keas。我不担心他们是否拥有计算机科学学历,或者是否有健康行业的背景。我担心的是他们是否具备上述五项素质。 ????你错过的最佳机会是什么? ????2007年,马克?扎克伯格给了我一个非常棒的工作机会,我拒绝了,但这是一个有意错过的机会。我当时很想看看,对于美国越来越糟糕的健康习惯这一大难题,我能做点什么,后来我决定创立Keas。 您在学校学到的最重要的东西是什么? ????自主思考。 |
????Fortune's Brainstorm Tech Conference (July 22-24 in Aspen, Colo.) regularly brings together the best and brightest minds in tech innovation. Each week, Fortune turns the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer his or her own personal insight into business, tech, and entrepreneurship. This week, we asked Keas Founder and CTO Adam Bosworth to answer 10 questions about life outside of work, the company he admires most, and industry advice for young entrepreneurs. His responses follow. What is the best advice you ever received? ????If you don't understand something, ask. At Microsoft, whenever I didn't understand something I'd say, "I'm just a simple country boy from Vermont and I don't understand this" and an extraordinary amount of the time that turned out to be because it didn't make sense. ????When I left Microsoft they gave me as a going away present. When I got into health, which led to Keas, I kept asking dumb questions about our healthcare system until I realized that they weren't dumb. The system just didn't make sense. It literally provided the maximum incentives for getting everyone sick and then keeping them as sick as possible short of dying. How is that a "healthcare system"? What was the last book you read? ????Salt, Sugar, Fat - Horrifying read about how the food industry has worked, much like the tobacco industry did before, to hide the huge health costs of their food while making it more and more addictive and more and more damaging to us. What would you say to a group of young people looking to enter the tough job market? ????It doesn't matter what you know. It matters who you are. At the end of the day, smart companies hire, promote, and reward employees who demonstrate five qualities: ????1. Intelligence ????2. Hard work and energy ????3. Pragmatism ????4. Excellent teamwork ????5. The ability to constantly learn new skills and apply everything they've ever learned. ????Pick any job you love that you think will challenge you and let you make a difference, don't worry at all about the money (plenty of time for that in your late 30's) and just prove that you have these five qualities. I hire people like this into Keas. I don't worry if they have CS degrees or a background in health. I worry about these five qualities. What was your biggest missed opportunity? ????I turned down an extraordinary offer from Mark Zuckerberg in 2007 but it was a conscious missed opportunity. I wanted to see if I could make a dent in the huge problem that our ever-worsening health habits are for our country and decided to start Keas instead.??? What was the most important thing you learned in school? ????To think for myself. |