






商业 - 科技


《财富》杂志 2013年07月12日



????财富头脑风暴技术会议(Brainstorm Tech Conference,7月22日至24日在科罗拉多州阿斯彭召开)定期汇集科技创新领域最优秀和最聪明的头脑。《财富》杂志(Fortune)每周都会采访一位与会者,让他或她分享各自对商业、技术和创业的真知灼见。本周,我们邀请众筹平台Indiegogo公司联合创始人达妮?林格尔曼回答10个问题,内容涉及工作之外的生活、她最钦佩的公司,以及她给予年轻创业者的专业意见。以下是采访实录:










????Fortune's Brainstorm Tech Conference (July 22-24 in Aspen, Colo.) regularly brings together the best and brightest minds in tech innovation. Each week, Fortune turns the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer his or her own personal insight into business, tech, and entrepreneurship. This week, we asked Indiegogo co-founder Danae Ringelmann to answer 10 questions about life outside of work, the company she admires most, and industry advice for young entrepreneurs. Her responses follow.

????What is the best advice you ever received?

????The best advice I ever received came from my father who said, "The world has a way of saying 'no.' It has a ton of inertia and it doesn't like change, but it's your job as an entrepreneur to keep saying 'yes.'"

????This advice was amazing was because it really prepared me for entrepreneurship which is a rollercoaster of "no's" and "yes's," so every time I hit a "no" or anything went wrong, I just remembered that it was the world saying "no." It always stopped me from getting phased and helped me to refocus on what the next step was to get us back on track.

????What would you say to a group of young people looking to enter the tough job market?

????Do what my mother always told me, which is to follow and pay close attention to your nature in order to identify your strengths and what you're good at. Then, focus on articulating what types of people you like to work with and what types of problems you like to solve. Do those first and then go out to see which jobs match. Trying to pick a job and then seeing if you actually like it is much less efficient. Your career is definitely not a straight line. It's very fluid, but if you keep in touch with your nature, it should feel organic and it will make sense. You won't be fighting yourself.

????What would you do if you weren't working at your current job?

????I don't know. If I had an answer to that, I wouldn't be at my current job. I love Indiegogo. I love that we give everyone an equal opportunity and don't judge. I love that we're proving to the world that finance doesn't need gatekeepers and can be fair once and for all.

????What was your biggest missed opportunity?

????If there was one, I've forgotten it. There's no room in my mind to [waste] remembering it. All you have is the moment in front of you now. You need to open your eyes to see that opportunities are everywhere.

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