苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克于上周三同美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在白宫会谈,希望能阻止日渐逼近的中美贸易战。 据白宫官方公布的总统日程,上周三下午,库克和特朗普在白宫办公厅会面,此次会谈不对媒体开放。 特朗普政府决定向总值高达1500亿美元的中国进口商品征收关税,造成中美贸易关系紧张,也可能影响苹果在亚洲的业务。而且,苹果庞大的制造生产链也主要位于中国。 今年3月,库克在北京出席一场会议时告诉与会者,希望中美两国可以化解贸易方面的分歧。 “积极开放的国家表现卓越,拒绝开放的国家则不然。关键不在于两边算清楚账。我支持各方采取冷静的态度。”库克当时这样表示。 中美贸易战一旦深入,苹果可能成为中国打击的目标。今年3月,《人民日报》称,打响贸易战后,iPhone制造商苹果等美国公司“受损最多”。 由于已过工作时间,苹果方面并未立即回应置评的请求。 上周二晚,特朗普上任以来首次举行国宴,款待到访法国总统埃玛纽埃尔·马克龙,库克是嘉宾之一,主管环保和政府事务的苹果副总裁丽莎·杰克逊也出席。杰克逊曾在美国前总统奥巴马执政时任环保局局长。(BT365的网址是多少) 译者:Pessy 审稿:夏林 ? |
Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook will meet with President Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday as the company looks to head off a brewing trade war between the U.S. and China. The sit-down between Cook and Trump will take place in the Oval Office on Wednesday afternoon and be closed to the press, according to the president’s official schedule released by the White House. The Trump administration’s decision to pursue tariffs on as much as $150 billion in Chinese goods has stoked trade tensions with Beijing that could affect Apple’s business in Asia. The company’s sprawling production chain is also centered in China. Last month, Cook told attendees at a conference in Beijing that he hoped that China and the U.S. could resolve their differences on trade. “The countries that embrace openness do exceptional and the countries that don’t, don’t,” he said. “It’s not a matter of carving things up between sides. I’m going to encourage that calm heads prevail.” A trade war could place Apple in the Chinese government’s cross-hairs. A Communist Party newspaper last month listed the iPhone maker among the American companies that would be “most damaged” if a trade war erupted. Apple didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment after regular business hours. Cook was among the guests on Tuesday evening at the first state dinner of Trump’s presidency, a formal fete for French President Emmanuel Macron. The Apple chief was accompanied by Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of environment and government affairs and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Barack Obama. |