






专栏 - 人间烟火


查大伟 2014年07月23日

查大伟(David Chard)是一位领导力培养顾问,在亚太地区拥有30年的从业经验。作为联心管理顾问有限公司(EngagingMinds)的创始人,他全身心致力于通过领导力和领导策略实现个人和组织向敬业型转变。他普通话流利,经常来往中国。他的联系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz








????好的,那么……敬业看起来是什么样呢?从人力咨询机构Blessing & White公司的著名“x模型”中可以看出,两种相互关联的情况同时出现就是敬业,这两种情况是:

????? 个人对公司作出最大贡献,从而使公司获得商业成功

????? 个人满意度达到最高,从而实现个人成功

????A well-known organizational consultant, when asked ‘what is real leadership?’ answers as follows:

????“You can tell when real leadership is happening throughout an organization because the people are fully engaged. More often than not, they go home after a day at work and tell their friends and family ‘I had a Great Day at work.’

????So today, I invite you emerging leaders who may be reading this article, how often do your people end the day with the feeling ‘this was a Great Day at work’ ? If you aren’t happy with your answer, it may be time for you to discover what ‘engagement’ is all about and what it takes to have fully engaged people in your organization.

????So, What is the Definition of ‘Engagement’?

????According to Denison, a consultancy that focuses solely on helping organizations create fully engaged people, Engagement is:

????“The degree to which the individuals in an organization are involved, committed and psychologically invested in their work, their job and their organization. Employee engagement is a good predictor of individual-level outcomes, job satisfaction, loyalty, discretionary effort and job performance.”

????Based on this definition, it’s easy to see why the world’s largest companies are investing serious money in creating High-Engagement Cultures. The simple fact is, fully engaged people give the most and are the key drivers of consistent business success. And, did you know that if your employees are not engaged, your customers will not be either? Looking back at the Jack Welch quote, can you now see the clear connection between Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Cash Flow?

????OK, So…What Does Engagement Look Like? According to Blessing & White’s famous “X Model”, Engagement occurs when two related things are happening at the same time:

????? The Organization is experiencing maximum contribution from an individual and is a result achieves business success

????? The Individual experiences maximum satisfaction and as a result experiences personal success.

图片来自Blessing & White公司发布的《2013年员工敬业情况研究报告》




