????几天前,我收到了一封BT365的网址是多少读者安妮塔的电子邮件,内容如下: ????“最近,我从一名普通销售被提拔成了销售总监。关于如何成为一名优秀的销售经理?您能给我一些建议吗?不胜感激。安妮塔。” ????当时我正在驾车从机场回家的路上,只有30分钟的空闲时间,所以我直接用iPad回复了她的问题。现在,我想将这个问题的答案写成一篇文章,与所有读者分享,因为我认为这是一个很好的问题。虽然她只提到了“销售经理”,但事实上,不论你负责哪个领域,要想成为一名优秀的管理者,需要做的事情有95%是相同的。这位读者肯定比我更了解销售,所以我将回答如何成为 “优秀的管理者”这方面。 ????你好,安妮塔! ????感谢你的来信。这是一个很好的问题。祝贺你,你从有一技之长的职员变成了管理者。之前,你的重要性体现在你亲手做过的事情。现在,你有机会通过管理其他人的工作和职业,来体现你在另外一个方面的重要性。 ????要想成为优秀的管理者,可以参考下面这些经受过时间考验的指导原则: ????培养人才,专注于优点而非弱点。管理者的首要任务并非“监督”,而是培养和发展人才。找出人们的特长,帮助他们变得更好。询问他们希望发展哪方面的能力,然后想方设法地帮助他们学习和实践。迫使你的团队全力以赴,发挥出最大的潜能,并随时为他们提供帮助。不要把时间浪费在让所有人都达到相同的能力水平上。找出每个人的特殊才能,激活他们的天赋与渴望。你便可以拥有一支战无不胜的团队。 ????成为其他人的教练,随时提供指导。既然你的首要任务是培养人才,你就应该每天拿出时间指导你的团队成员。他们表现好的时候,要提供积极的反馈,而当他们的表现有待提高时,为他们提供敏锐的反馈和完善建议。每天从他们身上找出一些值得肯定的闪光点。不论你认可人们的什么行为,未来你都会得到更多回报。时时刻刻致力于建立信任,如此一来,在你的人际关系银行账户中,你一直在增加“存款”,却从来没有“取款”。而当你展示你就指导团队工作所做的承诺时,你也在向人们传达这样的信号:“这才是一位管理者应该做的事情。” ????做你心目中理想的管理者。现在,你有机会为自己的团队提供服务,而不是成为他们的“统治者”。你肯定曾经希望自己的上司关心下属,愿意倾听你的意见,愿意帮助你,能给你提供辅导,并且经常表扬你的良好表现。现在你应该努力成为这样的管理者。要抵挡住“微观管理”的诱惑;给他们适当的挑战,并帮助他们取得成功。为他们设定成功目标,并在他们争取成功的过程中提供指导,当他们取得成功之后,肯定他们的功劳。如果你的团队在不断成长,你便是成功的管理者,不需要抢走他们的功劳。做他们心目中理想的管理者。 ????要有怀疑精神,但更要学会倾听。不要相信你看到或听到的任何事情。但同时也不要假设你听到的任何事情都是可疑的。在与每个人交流的时候,学会深入而仔细地倾听。对他们的世界观要有好奇心。要注意但不要谴责你遇到的错误想法和态度。记住,在某种程度上,每一种行为都有好的出发点。当人们意识到你确实在认真倾听他们的声音时,他们就会失去耍心机的兴趣,并且因为他们尊敬和信任你,他们会希望发挥作用。 ????共同面对困境,提供帮助。人难免会有陷入困境的时候。当你的团队成员陷入“坑里”,不要站在上面大声叫喊着让他们出来。你应该跳到里面去,挽起袖子,向他们演示如何出去。当然,这并不意味着你要将他们从问题中“拯救出来”;他们只有亲自动手才能学到最多。但如果有人陷入困境,不要单纯地提供一些陈词滥调、口号或者好的想法。这样做其实无异于抛弃,是不负责任的行为。如果相关工作确实很重要,让人们知道你随时可以亲自动手,前提是他们只能通过这种方式才能学到必须掌握的技能。要会分辨什么时候应该提供指导,什么时候应该参与其中,提供帮助。 ????用讲故事的方式分享你的激情与愿景;鼓励团队成员制定自己的计划。作为管理者,你的职责是建立一支高效的团队。你心目中可能对一支高效率团队有清晰的概念,这便是你的愿景。通过引人入胜的故事,让你的愿景鲜活起来,使其变得清晰易懂,帮助人们了解它。然后,鼓励团队成员各自提出实现这个愿景的计划,并尽可能允许他们遵守自己的计划。没错,提供指导,但不要插手一台在正常运转的机器。 ????同上条:利用故事清晰描述你期待的未来。然后鼓励他们用自己的想法和创造力,创造出一条实现愿景的道路。如果你真的能够按照这种方式管理,你可能会成为所有人都想为你工作的管理者。你也不会遭遇“如何让团队全身心投入”的问题,因为他们会主动将自己的想法变成现实。 ????不要停止对自己的投资。聘用一位教练,帮助自己在工作带来的混乱和烦躁当中,保持对成功的专注。阅读关于行业趋势的最新文章和图书,吸收其他人最好的想法,充实自己。然后将这些想法与你的团队分享,听听他们的反应。如果他们发现你在践行学无止境的理念,他们就会以你为榜样。你对自己的投资传达出的信息是:你追求卓越,致力于自我发展和培养其他人。 ????不要把什么都看成是冲着你自己来的。这是成年人与小孩子的区别。将别人的意见、建议或抱怨视为批评,或者针对你个人权威的攻击,是大错特错的。如果你总是认为所有事情都是专门针对你的,其他人将无法与你分享你成功所需要的最重要的信息。当出现问题的时候,你将是最后一个知道的人。当你因为自负而遭遇失败的时候,人们只会幸灾乐祸。所以,当你在听取他人的反馈时,要认真倾听,并保持尊敬;心平气和地考虑这些反馈,问自己这些反馈是否有一定的道理。事实上:信息就是信息。它与你无关。学会就事论事,客观地看待任何事情,你也为别人如何对待他人反馈树立了榜样。对于那些像小孩子一样认为所有事情都是针对自己的,神经过敏的管理者,你会尊重他吗? ????如果你能成为这种领导者,你的团队就可以为你赴汤蹈火。如此一来,你能否成功,将不再取决于“协定”(任务),而是相互之间的关系和作为一支团队一起共事的可能性。 ????记住:管理者的成功与否,很大程度上取决于你每天的行为,你为其他人树立的榜样,以及你在每一次交流当中建立的信任和默契。如果你能运用这些指导原则并且不断练习,你肯定能成为一名优秀的管理者。(BT365的网址是多少) ????译者:刘进龙/汪皓 ????审校:任文科 |
????A few days ago I received this email inquiry from Anita, a Fortune China reader: ????“Recently I was promoted from a sales staff to sales director. Could you kindly give me some suggestions on how to become an excellent sales manager? Your reply will be highly appreciated. Anita.” ????At the time, I was riding in a car from the airport back to my home, and had about 30 minutes of free time, so I responded directly using my iPad. But now I want to shape my response into a proper article to share with all my readers because I felt this was such a great question. Although she was asking about ‘sales manager,’ in fact, 95% of being an excellent manager is the same regardless of what function you are in. I am certain that this reader knows more about sales than I do, so I am responding to the phrase “excellent manager.” ????Hi Anita, ????Thanks for your inquiry. It's a great question. Congratulations, you have just shifted from the role of Technician to the role of Orchestrator. You used to be important because of what you personally did with your own hands. Now, you have an opportunity to be important because of what you can achieve through Orchestrating the work and the careers of others. ????If you want to become an excellent manager, here are some guiding principles that have stood the test of time: ????Develop People, Focusing on Strengths not Weaknesses. The number one role of a manager is not “supervising” but developing and growing people. Find out what people are good at and help them become even better. Ask them what capabilities they want to grow and then find ways for them to learn and practice. Challenge your people to stretch and be the best they can be, remaining always ready to help them. Don’t waste time trying to make everyone achieve at the same level for every single competency. Figure out where each person’s special talent lies and fan the flames of their natural abilities and aspirations. You will build a team of champions. ????Be a Coach for Others, Every Day. Since your primary focus now is on developing others, make time every day to coach your people. Give them positive feedback for their good work and give them sensitive feedback and suggestions on how to improve when they need it. Find something positive to acknowledge every day. Whatever behavior you acknowledge, you will get even more of that in the future. Focus on building trust in ever encounter so you are always making deposits, never withdrawals, in the relationship bank account. And, as you demonstrate your commitment to coaching your team you are signaling “this is the way to be a manager around here.” ????Be the Type of Manager You Always Wanted. Now is your chance to serve your team, instead of being a "Lord" over them. I’m sure you wanted a manager who cared, who listened, who helped you, gave you coaching and acknowledged your good work on a regular basis. Go ahead and be that type of manager now. Resist the temptation to ‘micro-manage’ people; instead give them appropriate challenges and then help them succeed. Set goals for their success, coach them along the way, and when they succeed, give them the credit. If your people are thriving and growing, you are being successful, you don’t need to take the credit. Be the manager they have always wanted. ????Be Skeptical but LEARN to Listen. Don’t believe everything you see or hear. At the same time, don’t assume everything you hear is suspect. Learn to listen deeply and carefully to each and every person with whom you communicate. Be curious about their model of the world. Notice, but don’t condemn, erroneous thinking and attitudes you encounter. Remember that, in some way, every behavior has a positive intention. When people realize that you are really listening to them, they will lose interest in manipulations and will become interested in making a difference because they respect and trust you. ????Jump Into the Hole and Help. When people fall into a hole, as they always will, don't just stand at the top shouting at them to get out of the hole. Instead, jump down in the hole with them, roll up your sleeves, and show them how to get out. This does not mean you are going to ‘save them’ from their problems; of course they learn best by doing things themselves. But when you see that someone is really stuck, don’t merely respond with platitudes, slogans, or good ideas. That is a form of abandonment and is irresponsible. When it really matters, show people that you are ready to get your hands dirty if that’s what it takes for them to learn what they need to learn. Learn to discern when you should coach and when you should jump into the hole and help. ????Share Your Passion and Vision with Stories; Invite Them to Own the Plan. As a manager, you are building a high-performing team. If you have a clear picture in your mind about what it will look like when that team is performing with excellence, that is your Vision. Help them understand your Vision with compelling stories that bring your vision to life so it will be crystal clear. Then, invite your team to come up with THEIR plan showing how to achieve the vision and, as much as possible, allow them to work their plan. Yes, coach them, but don't put your hand in a machine that's running! ????To repeat: Use stories to clarify the future you desire. Then invite them to create a path to that future using their ideas and creativity. If you manage like this, you will be a manager that everyone wants to work for. You will also never have a problem of “getting the team to take ownership” because they will be highly engaged in putting their own ideas into action. ????Never Stop Investing in Yourself. Hire a coach to help keep you focused on success amidst the chaos and turbulence of work. Read the latest articles and books on trends in your industry, feed your mind with the best ideas from the minds of others. Then share these ideas with your team and listen to their response. When they realize that you are devoted to never-ending-learning, they will copy you. Your investment in yourself sends the message that you are committed to excellence, to growing yourself, and to growing others. ????NEVER Take Anything Personally. This is the mindset that truly separates the grownups from the children. When you hear advice, suggestions or complaints as criticism or as a personal attack on your authority, you are making a huge mistake. When you take things personally, you make it impossible for people to share the most important information you need to be successful. When there are problems, you will be the last to know. People will take satisfaction when you trip on your own hubris and fall on your face. So when you hear feedback from others, listen to it cleanly and respectfully; consider it calmly and ask yourself if there is some truth in it. The fact is: information is just information. It is NOT about you. By learning not to take anything personally you are publicly modeling for others the way you want them to respond to each other’s feedback. And you are showing them how to be a grownup. Would you respect an ego-driven manager, who, like a small child, thinks that everything is about them? ? ????If you can be this type of leader, your team will walk through fire for you. It will no longer be about 'transactions' (tasks) but is now about relationships and the possibilities of working together as a team. ????Remember: success as a manager is, to a great extent, about who you are being every day, the model you are demonstrating for others and how much trust and rapport you can build in every interaction. If you will adopt these guiding principles, and practice them, you are surely on your way to Becoming an Excellent Manager. |