








Jonathan B. Singer 2018年06月21日


不久前,生命在一周内给了我们一记三连击。6月5日,我们听闻凯特·丝蓓自杀。6月6日,美国疾病防控中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)发布的报告显示,自1999年美国军医总长官宣布自杀是可预防的公共健康危害,自杀人数上升了25%。而在6月8日,我们一醒来便是安东尼·伯尔顿结束自己生命的消息。



要减少自杀人数,我们就要将枪械视作安全问题,而不只是《第二修正案》(Second Amendment)的问题。2016年,23000人使用枪械自杀。研究表明,购枪背景调查和等待期能够显著减少自杀。






注:乔纳森·辛格是芝加哥洛约拉大学社会工作学院(Loyola University Chicago’s School of Social)的副教授,也是美国自杀学学会(American Association of Suicidology)的书记。


Life handed us a one-two-three punch last week. On June 5, we learned of Kate Spade’s suicide. On June 6, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report showing a 25% increase in suicide deaths since 1999, the year the U.S. Surgeon General declared suicide a preventable public health problem. And on June 8, we awoke to the news that Anthony Bourdain took his own life.

The deaths and statistics were shocking. Spade added color and whimsy to a hyper-intellectual fashion industry. Bourdain brought his bad-boy irreverence to a culinary world devoted to tradition. Their products—purses and food exploration—brought joy to so many people. None of it made sense. Why did they kill themselves?

We still don’t know exactly why people die by suicide. But we do know some things that increase risk for suicide, including access to firearms, loneliness and social isolation, and inadequate mental health services.

If we’re going to reduce suicide deaths, we need to see firearms as a safety issue, not a Second Amendment issue. In 2016, 23,000 people killed themselves using a firearm. Research has shown that firearm background checks and waiting periods significantly reduce suicide.

Should we restrict gun access to those without a known mental illness? Not according to the CDC report: Significantly more people without a known mental illness (55%) died by firearm than did people with a known illness (40%). This suggests that if we want to save lives, we need to make firearm safety a population-wide issue.

We also need to shift our cultural priorities away from fame and fortune at all costs and toward community and connection. Thomas Joiner, psychologist and suicidologist, suggested that one of the main factors in suicide is loneliness. The great American promise is that we can be whatever we want to be. The great American tragedy is that most of our institutions—from schools to corporations—expect us to get there by sacrificing time with friends and family.

We need to address well-being starting in kindergarten, not wait until a high school student tells us they want to die. We need schools to say, “Spend time with family, not on homework.” We need universities to say, “We’d rather see a photo of you having a great time with your friends than another extracurricular activity on your college application.” And we need stockholders to say, “We value employee family time as much as overtime.” The more time we spend with our loved ones, the easier it is to see when things are going wrong, connect them to people who can help, and help them build lives worth living.

We need to harness technology for social good. This means partnering with tech giants to analyze data so we can identify patterns of risk and automate interruptions. Social networks have learned how to nudge users to buy products. What if we could use that information to learn which nudges redirect emerging suicide risk and prevent self-harm? If the rise in youth suicide risk is correlated with smartphone use, as an influential 2017 study suggested, there is an ethical imperative for tech giants to partner with suicide prevention experts to share data, develop scalable automated interventions, and prevent suicide.

Last week we were all affected by the tragedy of suicide. This week we move forward with the work of suicide prevention, work that is fundamentally about hope. If you are inspired to save lives, check in with people you love and care about—even if they seem like they are living the dream. Donate to your local crisis hotline. Call your representative and tell them to fund suicide prevention at the same level as we fund smallpox. There’s always something you can do, no matter how small.

Jonathan B. Singer is an associate professor at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Social Work and the secretary for the American Association of Suicidology.




