????蒂姆?塔格与帕特里克?里根:救援坠毁小飞机 ????年龄:53岁,52岁 ????职务:技术人员 ????任职公司:美国电话电报公司 ????地理位置:贝德福德与布鲁明顿,印第安纳州 ????电话技术人员蒂姆?塔格(上图右数第二位)与帕特里克?里根(左数第二位)前往印第安纳州的哥伦布进行维修工作时,一架小型飞机坠落到树顶,高速驶过下方的房屋,最后撞上了一座郊区的庭院。塔格迅速向事故现场跑去,拨打911电话,同时查看住户的财产是否受损。与此同时,里根迅速冲到火势凶猛的后院,找到了身上着火的飞行员。里根用身体撞倒了木栅栏,将飞行员拖出院子,附近的邻居用水浇灭了飞行员身上的火。飞机上的乘客和屋主都平安无事。不幸的是,81岁的飞行员却未能幸免于难。里根说:“结果可以说是喜忧参半。我很高兴我们恰好在现场,如果再遇到同样的事情,我一样毫不犹豫。” |
????Tim Tague & Patrick Reagan ????Age 53, 52 ????Occupation Technicians ????Company AT&T ????Location Bedford and Bloomington, Ind. ????Telephone technicians Tim Tague (above, second from right) and Pat Reagan (second from left) were out working on repairs in Columbus, Ind., as a small plane dropped below the treetops, barreled past houses, and crashed into a suburban backyard. Tague took off running toward the scene, got 911 on the phone, and checked the property for occupants. Meanwhile, Reagan sprinted for the flaming backyard, and spotted the plane’s pilot, who was on fire. Reagan broke down a wooden fence with his body, and pulled the pilot out of the yard, where neighbors doused him with water. The plane’s passenger and the homeowner survived. Ultimately, though, the 81-year-old pilot did not. “It’s kind of bittersweet,” Reagan says. “I’m glad we were there, and I would never hesitate to do something like that again.” |